Thursday, August 30, 2007

1. Thou shalt not have ugly Statues....

I'm sure the first commandment at least implies that! To me its just common sense---why would a church put ugly statues to "decorate"? I guess its because they want a more "modern" look, but the Church has stood against Modernism, so I don't think that's a good idea to be pushing. Anyway, I told Micki a while back I would put this post on what I mean by ugly statues (sorry Micki it took me so long. I felt really bad, so I added you to my links!). At our church, if I have gotten the story correctly, we hired a protestant to build us a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and we paid quite a hefty chunk for this statue as well. Now, why would I be against a Protestant building a statue of Mary? If he did a nice job I wouldn't care what religion he was, but from the result this statue doesn't resemble traditional Catholic artwork or depictions of Mary. In fact it doesn't resemble a beautiful woman at all, it in fact would seem it was modeled after the artist's grandmother. Don't believe me?? See for yourself (Sorry some of the pictures are not that clear).....

Now compare that to THIS which is right OUTSIDE the Church, put there by the Knights of Columbus!....


The Crescat said...

if you could make offending priests write lines...

"the Church has stood against Modernism, so I don't think that's a good idea to be pushing."

God's Paintbrush said...

YES! That same artist, Lynn Kircher, decorated our parish! The statues are bronze so are dark and their faces old and scary. It's really life like, I'll give you that, but I don't really love his depiction of Mary at all. Why is she old? Catholic tradtion has it that she never aged because of her graces and purity... therefore she was always youthful and beautiful! Also he has Jesus pierces in the wrist vs the hands. If that were true, wouldn't stigmatists be pierced in their wrists instead of their hands, which they clearly do bleed from! Aye!
This is the mary at our church

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis!