Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sacred Music Vs. Goofy Music

I recently watched again the movie "Sister Act", which I thought was very funny, though after seeing it this time I was also turned away by the message of the movie. Pretty much, this seemed to be a post Vatican II movie that was misinterpreting Vatican II and endorsing liberalism. Basically the message was "if we make the Church more like the world, we'll be able to reach out to the world". Pretty stupid. Just another liberal agenda. However, if the movie is viewed as solely fictional it has its humorous aspects.

But what is the difference between appropriate music and inappropriate music for the Holy Mass? Well, I just said it. Did you catch it? I said music for the HOLY Mass. Holiness is what we are seeking to attain and our thoughts drawn into at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not a party or any worldly celebration, so why should our music sound worldly? We don't want to get distracted by music that has worldly connotations, so we should avoid instruments and musical selections that would have those connotations (e.g. Drums, guitars, and syncopated music).

Sacred Music should be simple beautiful music. There are hundreds of wonderful and beautiful hymns that are just waiting to be sung (and which people have been singing for hundreds of years).

Latin in the music is also a great thing because this is the universal language of the Catholic Church, and the Church has tried to preserve this heritage. There is beauty in the Latin language unmatched by the ordinary language of the faithful. One truly feels that he has already been taken up into Heaven, with the saints praising Jesus Christ, when the music is sung well in Latin.

Below I will list some of my favorite hymns and some songs that should be banned. Feel free to add you own list in the comment box.

Some of my favorite hymns...

Latin Ones....
Ave Maria
O Salutaris Hostia
Salve Regina
English Ones...
Holy God we Praise Thy Name
Be Still my Soul
Jesus Remember Me
I Am the Bread of Life
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Some songs that should not even exist...

Here at This Table

Jesus, Lamb of God by Bernadette Farell

Bread of Life by Rory Cooney

This Bread That we Share by Dominic MacAller

To be Your Bread by David Haas

Bread for the World by Bernadette Farell

Sing a New Church by Nettleton

All are Welcome by Marty Haugen


Anonymous said...

i agree.

music, like language, loses a great deal when translated or dumbed down.

my faves:

Ave Maria

Panis Angelicus

EC Gefroh said...

I loved Sister Act when it first came out. I tried watching it recently and I was shocked at the message too.
The same goes for David Haas and Marty Haugen's music. I used to love it! When compared to the beautiful sacred liturgical music, I realized they have no place in our liturgies.

Paul Cat said...

I HATE All are welcome! It is like the catholic version of "Its a Small world."