Sunday, October 22, 2006

I have had enough: just STOP!
(Note: Thanks be to God, the situation described below is no longer occuring in my parish, however, I wish to leave this article here for readers to be informed of what a terrible liturgical abuse this is. Thank you to all who prayed for the end of this abuse!)
Today I was serving at the altar as an altar boy, as I have been doing now for about 3 years, and I have run across a problem that has been going on for WAY to long. Let me start from square one...
Our Church has a habit of during the offertory, receiving the wine in glass flagons and then of pouring a small amount of wine into the celebrant's cup, and leaving the rest of the wine to be consecrated in the glass flagons. Then, after consecration, the no longer wine but Precious Blood of our Lord is poured from the flagons into separate chalices so the people can receive the Precious Blood in that form. (I hope I made that clear enough.) The Church has already stated that doing this is a problem. In Redemptionis Sacramentum it says: "[106.] However, the pouring of the Blood of Christ after the consecration from one vessel to another is completely to be avoided, lest anything should happen that would be to the detriment of so great a mystery. Never to be used for containing the Blood of the Lord are flagons, bowls, or other vessels that are not fully in accord with the established norms." (Italics added by me). I have already done some action to try to stop this practice but to no avail at present. Before, I knew that by pouring the Precious blood we were in danger of spilling and disregarding even in accident our Lord's Body. Now, I know that we must have done this already it seems. You see, about two weeks ago when I was serving at the altar, the Deacon who would normally (but not always) pour the precious blood was not at the particular mass. So, one of the Extraordinary Minister's of Holy Communion came to pour the Precious Blood from chalice to chalice. The person who does the pouring will then hand the flagon to the Altar Server who will then take the flagon and place it on the credence table. I happened to be one of the Altar Server's being handed a flagon. I noticed as I was carrying the flagon that I felt something wet drip onto my hand. In horror I looked down to see that the Precious Blood was dripping down onto my hand. I consumed what I could and took a purificator and wiped up the flagon. Now, think about what another altar server (Or even myself, God forbid) could have easily done. By instinct, many people will simply wipe there hand on their clothes if they feel a wet substance. Imagine an altar server doing that, or perhaps the Precious Blood simply dropping on the floor where people will walk on it without a care.
Ok, so maybe what happened that Sunday was just a spoof. Maybe that never happens. Well, today when I was serving again, and the Deacon this time did the pouring and handed me the flagon---guess what???---the same exact thing happened!!!! I knew what I should do, and did pretty much the same exact thing. But this time, I was extremely angered. How can this be happening?
1. The Church has already told us not to be doing this.
2. It is extremely practical to pour the WINE before consecration (so it is wine, and will be no problem if it's spilt) and it would in fact save time.
3. Not only the situation I am talking about is obviously happening, but what if one day, a person pouring the precious blood accidentally drops one of the glass flagons on the floor? Our Lord's precious blood would be all over the floor!
I have had enough! There are no excuses for this. I will write our liturgist, my priest, my bishop, and even the Pope if I have to. I will not tolerate this! Our Lord's precious blood is being disregarded. Please pray for my parish and our diocese during this time, that we would come to a loving reverence of our Lord in the Eucharist. Pray, that this abuse would come to an end, please! I will close with this prayer:
"Our Lord told St. Gertude the Great that the following prayer would release 1,000 souls from Purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well:
Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."


Anonymous said...

Our Lord's precious blood would be all over the floor!
I have had enough! There are no excuses for this. I will write our liturgist, my priest, my bishop, and even the Pope if I have to. I will not tolerate this!

Well I'm sure glad you tolerated it when that same blood was spilled for your sins.

PBXVI said...

Yes, that same Blood was shed for my sins. But it was sin that nailed Jesus to the cross. It was sin that made Him shed His Blood for us. Was it not wrong for the Romans to nail Jesus to the cross, and for the Jews and for Pilot to kill not only an innocent man, but also the Son of God? (Yes, I know we are ALL responsible for the death of Jesus.) I can't express how thankful I am that Jesus died for me, but to dishonor His Precious gift of Himself in the Eucharist now is wrong. Jesus, before He died, gave us His Body and Blood at the Last Supper. This was His gift to us, to strengthen us as Christian soldiers. The least we can do in return of thanks is to honor God by not disregarding His body that He gave us. Remember that in the Old Testament the Ark of the Covenant was so sacred that only the Levite priests could touch it without death. Yet the Ark of the Covenant only held the Law and Authority of God (The Ten Commandments and the staff of Aaron). Yet in the Eucharist we have God Himself. There is no way we can show proper worship and respect for that, but we can at least do our best.

G. Thomas Fitzpatrick said...

Avoid the whole problem, and urge the parish to adopt Communion Of the People under only one Species. It was good enough for our grandparents.

Matthew said...

I also would receive under just one species since that would eliminate this problem all together.

Anyway, since I occassionally serve as an altar server, I would be horrified to be in your situation! Thanks be to God that the situation is improved!

Anonymous said...

We can not tolerate abuse to our Lord's Most PRECIOUS Body & Blood. I had to tell the priest that celebrated Holy Mass today that he should not crumble up the paper that hold the name of the person who's mass was celebrated for today and stick it in the chalice...It may still have the precious blood of Our Lord on it and when he enters the sacristy it will end up in the trash...It was difficult to speak out on this as I didn't know the priest....However, He first stated " You need to be careful not to be too "scruppie". I retorted, Was Our Lady too scruppie when she stood at the foot of the cross and took care to wipe up every bit her son's blood?. Please pray that we will all learn to revere the Sacred Body and Blood of our Lord....Especially our priests.

PBXVI said...

Thank you anonymous for standing up for the faith. It is so sad that our priests sometimes have so little reverance for the greatest gift and the Source and Summit of our Faith---The EUCHARIST!!! Jesus Christ is truly present to us in this Sacrament so how can we take Him for granted? I will pray for our priests! God Bless!